Water Softeners
In the nature, water is refreshed with the rain cycle in the earth's magnetic field. The water becomes soft, oxygenated and energized. Rainwater contains carbonic acid which dissolves calcium and magnesium from the surface and the underground layers of the earth. Calcium’s and magnesium’s salts (Calcite), constitute the hardness of water.
What does hard water do?
As water is passing by piping network, it loses its rejuvenating properties by nature, and maintains its hardness. The serious problem is there:
– The water destroys the network and all devices that come into contact with water.
– It requires twice the amount of detergent, soaps, conditioners, softeners, polishes, etc.
– It requires twice the power consumption or oil heaters, radiators, boilers, ice machines, washing machines and dishwashers, coffee machines for professional and home use.
Hard water is rough, crystalline structure of salts of calcite (Calcit). You can deal with the problem YES! Effectively and naturally while refreshing the water, with a water softener.